The Writer's Passage II - Faust

In term four we will take our inspiration from Goethe’s masterpiece, Faust and explore the story of the medieval scholar-magician and his pact with the devil. The story will lead us from depression and disappointment with intellectual knowledge to Faust’s rejuvenation in the witches’ kitchen. We will explore Faust’s tragic love affair, and themes which have an eerie resonance with our age: questions of beauty, infatuation, money, time-travel, the politics of war, genetic engineering and the destruction of indigenous societies.
Expect a writing feast.
WHERE 2015 Friday course 2015 Saturday course
at FAWWA, House of Imagining at Perth Waldorf School
Clare Copse, Swanbourne Gwilliam Drive, Bibra Lake
WHEN 9.30am - 12.00 noon 9.30am - 12.00 noon
Friday Oct 16 – Friday Dec 11 Saturday Oct 17 – Saturday Dec 12
COST $380 per term, concessions available
INFORMATION email Horst Kornberger or phone 93311880
BOOKINGS Fill out the Booking form and we will send you our bank details.
Please pay before the the course commences