the new myth online
Join the 2018 world-wide collective collective of myth-makers ready to embark on a shared project.
The online modality comprises two courses of five sessions with a two-week break between them.
Online part 1: 26 March - 23 April 2018
The first five sessions are dedicated to image and metaphor making. We will work with a process called ‘the metamorphosis of myth’ (see below). We will learn collaborative writing and build community around shared metaphors. This process will be mentored by poet and writer Liana Joy Christensen, an experienced tutor, versed in the dynamics of story making in community. Part one can be taken on its own. The cost for part one is AUD 380.
Online part 2: 14 May - 11 June 2018
In the second five sessions we will utilise what we have learned for the creation of micro-myths, group narratives, and individual work. These sessions are not a course as such but a platform for you to write a number of pieces that will be shaped and edited by your tutor. One or more examples of all participants' work (written in community) will be included in a publication that documents the process. The work will be selected by the project leaders and undergo an editing process. The cost for part 2 is AUD 380.
The Metamorphosis of Myth
The work is based on the premise that myths are the expression of living archetypes that have a new message for every age. We will approach the life of these archetypes by gradually transforming existing myths into narratives that speak to our time.
This metamorphosis is best done through groups that make themselves available for new images and metaphors to ‘drop in’. The group becomes a vessel for the archetype.
The project is open to writers at all levels, and most suitable for those who would like to develop a stronger connection to image creation.
Step 1 Contact us
Step 2 Pay via pay pal

We will form a Writing Community that respects the individual creation within the matrix of the collective imagination. Images will be gifted, traded, and undergo transformation. Writers will be creating new work: flash fiction, short fiction and poetic pieces and of course, new myths. The writing that emerges will carry the charge of the whole group while retaining the voices of individual writers.
The Work generated will undergo an editing process and publication of the book is expected in December 2018. As an integrated artwork it will lay open the processes and products of our work.
The book will be published by Integral Arts Press (the publishing wing of The Writing Connection) and made available worldwide via amazon.com.
All writers will retain copyright of their own work. Proceeds from the publication will go towards future projects.