The Delphi Project
ask the question
The project
Applications are open for writers and cultural creatives to participate in an innovative artwork initiated by Horst and Jennifer Kornberger. The Delphi Project is a social-artistic writing project with a definite outcome. It involves an online preparation period, a 6-day retreat in Delphi, Greece in July 2016 and an editing and publishing phase to realise a book to which all participants contribute. The project commences in February 2016. Places are limited.
The aim
The central aim of the project is to experience and document the working of collective imagination. We will use a model we have developed for harnessing the collective imagination and apply it to questions of personal and world destiny. We will pool the participants’ questions and lead them through metamorphosis in community.
In the context of contemporary writing practice our aim is to hone our pictorial thinking and become adept at translating thought into image, and image into thought.
In this process our questions reveal themselves as partial intuitions, which can be made whole through the imagination of others.
We believe the modern oracle is the community capable of constructive imagination. Our time calls for exact, pictorial thinking in all fields of life and writers have a pivotal role to play in birthing this new capacity.
Why Delphi?
Delphi has always been a place to ask important questions. At this ancient site priests and Pythia collaborated to work with pictures and their interpretation, guiding the personal and political life of the West for over 2,000 years.
For more information click here
For details and application click here
What to expect
Preparation Phase
Five online lessons, one per month from February to June, where you will get to know the other participants, pool the questions, and begin to work with them in a guided process called ‘Stages of Imagination’. The exercises in this process aim to develop 'exact imagination' and are based on Goethe's dynamics of pictorial thinking. Lessons become available on Tues 01 March - Tues 29 March - Tues 19 April - T ues 10 May - Tues 07 June
The Delphi Retreat
A six day immersion in Delphi, Greece (10th – 16th July), where the group will convene to work together and deepen the process of metamorphosis of images. We will stay at the Athens School of Fine Art Delphi Annex next to the Delphi Sanctuary and spend time at the archeological site and the museum.
The Editing and Publishing Phase
The work generated in the retreat will undergo an editing process and publication of the book is expected in December 2016.
Is this project for me?
We work with the premise that the imagination is a reality beyond subjective fancy. We invite writers and cultural creatives who have a strong desire to explore and practice this reality to apply. Consider applying if
The concept speaks strongly to you
You want to explore not only a personal question but a world question
You are willing to work with the questions that others carry
You have an interest in the working of imagination in community
Greece today?
As you are aware, Greece is experiencing a severe financial cirisis. We feel called to engage as poets and cultural creatives in a place that asks for a re-imagination of its future. Our project with its focus on world questions seems an appropriate response at this time in this country.