idea / writing
writing community
The Hydra Project has its genesis in many years of teaching creative writing and devising methodologies to develop imagination. It fits within our long term vision of 'Writing around the World - restoring the mytho-poetic sphere of the earth. ' The immediate forerunner of The New Myth project was The Delphi Project.
We will form a Writing Community that respects the individual creation within the matrix of the collective imagination. Images will be gifted, traded, and undergo transformation. Writers will be creating new work: flash fiction, short fiction and poetic pieces. The writing that emerges will carry the charge of the whole group while retaining the voices of individual writers.
The Work generated in the retreat will undergo an editing process and publication of the book is expected in 2019. As an integrated artwork it will lay open the processes and products of our work.
The book will be published by Integral Arts Press (the publishing wing of The Writing Connection) and made available worldwide via
All writers will retain copyright of their own work. After publication, participants will receive three copies of the book. Proceeds from the publication will go towards future projects.